Everyone is always looking for a quick fix to losing weight. I’ve lost -116.6 lbs and I’m here to tell you, it ain’t quick! But the silver lining is that you can do all kinds of things, “life hacks” as I call them, to be more active, improve your metabolism and lose weight sustainably. Check out my favorite 10 “life hacks” for weight loss, and then share your favorite hacks in the comments below:
#1. Play music.
You can’t have a dance party without music, and I don’t know about you but music usually makes me bob my head, move my feet and maybe shimmy a little. In fact, a few weeks ago I got caught dancing on (what I thought was) an empty subway platform. My point is, music makes you move. Moving burns calories. Burning calories is how we lose weight!
If you need some new songs for your playlist check out this post.
#2. Eat breakfast!
I have a coaching client who recently told me she gets up at 6:30am but doesn’t eat breakfast until 10am. My first thought was “How does anyone go that long without eating?!” because I wake up starving and my next thought was “Oh my gosh, you need to eat sooner!” Your metabolism needs a cue to start your belly churning and burning calories. Without breakfast, it doesn’t start until whenever you do eat and that’s a lot of missed time! So no matter how big or small, eat some breakfast and get your metabolism moving.
Here are 42 make-ahead healthy breakfast ideas so you can have food ready to eat every morning.
#3. Take the stairs!
I see so many people actively working to lose weight who take elevators and escalators and I think “That’s a waste of an opportunity to get some steps in!” Plus, stairs are good for shaping your derrière!
#4. Drink lemon water!
Throwing a lemon, lime or other citrus in your water makes it taste great and it also puts citric acid into your belly. Citric acid stimulates your metabolism to burn more calories, which helps you lose more weight!
#5. Do more “stuff!”
Plan dates, nights out with friends and family events around activities, not meals. Rather than dinner with my family, we hike or play wallyball or even wiffle ball. Date nights are sunset bike rides or walks around the city. I’m not advocating for skipping family dinners, but rather, adding some exercise, too!
#6. Challenge your palate.
Eating what we have always eaten and expecting to lose weight is the definition of insanity. So why not take this weight loss journey as your opportunity to try new foods or give foods another try? I would have never made cauliflower into rice or pizza before Weight Watchers, but it’s a good substitute when you don’t want all the carbs. I’ve also given carrots, mushrooms and trout another try and shocking, they taste different than they did when I was a kid. Maybe even tasty!
#7. Measure and weigh everything.
Seriously. Whenever I feel like my portions are getting out of whack I spend a few weeks weighing and measuring everything. I usually find that my wine glasses have got more wine in them than I “guesstimated” and often times I find I have shortchanged myself on lean proteins and liquid egg whites.
#8. Empower a confidante.
No, I don’t mean a buddy to workout with or a girlfriend you who sends you healthy recipes. I mean enlisting the person you trust most in the world to know the good, the bad, and the ugly about your journey and giving them permission to help you. Long before the Internet knew my starting weight, Mr. Big did. Long before I confessed to my readers about the things I hated about myself and my fear of dying young, Mr. Big knew. Having him know those things made me feel like I wasn’t alone. And if he could love me then, well, then I figure he would stay through thick AND thin! And it works another way, too. When I mindlessly snack on chips because they’re there, he’ll move the basket away from me. When I want another Cosmo and will be mad about it the next day, he asks me “You sure?”
#9. Stop focusing on the scale.
Sounds counterintuitive, right? But by focusing only on seeing the scale go down puts so much added pressure on you, and you already have enough to worry about in your life. Instead of setting a pound goal, why not try a time goal? When I first started losing weight I did not think it would be possible to lose -100lbs, so instead I said “I will make the best possible decisions, do my best to be healthy and exercise, for one year.” By making it about a journey, and not a specific weight, I was able to brush off bad days or weeks when the scale just didn’t move the way I thought it should.
#10. Be kind to yourself.
Weight loss is an intensely personal experience, unique to your life and your journey. And every day is not going to be perfect, so be kind to yourself. Speak kindly to yourself. Just imagine if, rather than counting our flaws in the mirror each morning, we looked ourself in the eyes and said “Nice butt!” Now, maybe it’s “Great smile,” “Good hair day,” or just a smile at yourself, but give yourself that happy, positive start to your day and anything is possible!
What do you think? What are some “life hacks” you use to help you lose weight and get healthier?
Kira says
Very nice post! Loved the last one. Loved all of them in fact.
Maria Karen says
I like this post. I would like to add “come out of your comfort zone”. It is important.